Pilvi™ Platform Changelog

Table of Contents

(2024-10-07) - Version 1.31.1


  • Misc fixes. Translations.

(2024-08-16) - Version 1.31.0


  • Support for managing Cost Centers and assigning them to Services.
    • Preference:FINANCIAL_MANAGEMENT_INTEGRATION_NETVISOR_GROUP_BY_COSTCENTERS_ENABLED may be used with Netvisor Integration for grouping invoice items based on Cost Centers.
  • Manager: Service Specific Pricing Management
  • Manager: Ability to set end date for a service on cancelation
  • Manager: 'Manual' Processor for Invoices. Manually tracked payment can now be added via the UI.
  • New Preferences for more granular control of registration possibilities
  • Manager: Product Detail: Added Services tab which lists all the Services of the Product
  • Manager: Option for selecting whether the Contract of the Service should be invoiced automatically when undoing the cancelation of the Service
  • Add Billing period multiplier to order confirmation messages. NOTE: This change is automatically applied only to message templates that have not been altered.


  • Report Customers: Added additional columns: is_active, type, vat_number, created
  • ProductImport: Products are no longer unneccessarily removed/readded to Category on import
  • Allow empty telephones for users


  • Product name overflows in dense lists
  • Alignment of invoice/e-invoice elements in Cart
  • ModalDialog UX and positioning issues
  • Breadcrumb issues
  • Mini Cart not hiding as expected
  • Misc fixes

(2024-04-14) - Version 1.30.0


  • Product Import CSV format


  • Misc fixes.

(2024-04-05) - Version 1.29.0


  • Manager: Active columns to Product and Profile index pages
  • User Profile Messaging Preferences and Categories for Message Templates
    • Opt-out/Opt-in support
    • Unsubscribe support for messages (excluding messages in the SYSTEM category)
    • NOTE: Sites with modified Footers should manully add the following to their Footer templates:
      • FI: {{#unsubscribeurl}}<p><a class="" href="{{unsubscribeurl}}">peruuta tilaus</a></p>{{/unsubscribeurl}}
      • EN: {{#unsubscribeurl}}<p><a class="" href="{{unsubscribeurl}}">unsubscribe</a></p>{{/unsubscribeurl}}
  • Manager: Credits can now be used when making Service changes that are billed immediately
  • Preference INVOICE_EXCLUDE_UNESSENTIAL_ITEMS_ENABLED for reducing invoice item clutter
  • Profile Scheduled Action rule condition
  • Message Template Variables
    • Profile context: profile.mrr and profile.extras.active_services_count
    • Service context: service.mrr
    • unit added for properties
  • New property "Show starting from label" ( product.show.price.starting.from.label). Can be used to show "Starting from" text near the price of the Product.
  • Zapier integration: Added Profile VAT Number and Owner Telephone data


  • Service Report: Include license/user/unit count
  • Hide breadcrumbs if on the root path and FRONTEND_SHOP_FRONT_PAGE_ALIAS_PATH is set
  • Netvisor: Send paid invoices to Netvisor in open state
  • Profile Detail page keep track of the active tab in the URL


  • Mentions of VAT showing when the Site origin outside of EU
  • Translations, style fixes
  • Login redirect issue after two factor auth
  • Zapier integration: Quote profile was missing VAT Number field
  • Misleading error dialog shown when canceling/uncanceling a Service
  • Credit purchase invoices remaining in open state
  • Sidemenu scrollbar always showing with default styling

(2023-11-24) - Version 1.28.0


  • New new URL parameters
    • On any page sessionProfileId=123 will force the session to switch to the defined Profile if possible
    • On Console Profile page action=openAddRecurringPaymentDialog opens the recurring payment dialog automatically on page load
  • Manager: Credits can now be consumed when creating an Invoice from a Contract
  • Additional themed and modifiable message templates
  • Manager: Product can be set to not be automatically invoiced
  • New Action Rule function to mark Invoice requested. Also changes Invoice status accordingly in Netvisor if integration is enabled


  • Manager: Issue where duplicate Orders were created when opting not to use credits on new Order
  • Issue with reimbursing partially paid Invoices
  • Issue with Quote currency conversion and formatting
  • Issue with ServiceFeeAmount currency conversion

(2023-08-01) - Version 1.27.0


  • Themed and modifiable message templates for user activation and password reset process


  • Password is now explicitly set during the password resetion process


  • Misc. fixes here and there

(2023-06-20) - Version 1.26.0


  • New ActionRule Conditions:
    • USER_ACTIVATED (Trigger)
  • New Invoices report
  • Profile Licenses: list services with licenses and amount of unallocated licenses in each


  • "other video" now shown with video tag instad of iframe


  • Misc. fixes here and there

(2023-05-30) - Version 1.25.0


  • Manager: Support for Profile Credit withdrawal
  • Image upload/selector. Supports uploading of images, selecting previously uploaded image or setting a image URL.
  • Support for usage based costs info text
  • Link to Documentation into Message Template detail page
  • Netvisor integration: Option to automatically match credit notes


  • Message template variables for Order context. Updated templates
  • Credits can now be used to reduce the total sum of an order
  • Register page: Moved content-top below title. Added OR separator between social and local sign up
  • Allow NEXT_INVOICE billing option when ordering a Service to a new Contract.


  • Hide unapproved Sellers from Seller listing
  • Hide duplicate Expiration date column in Profile Detail Services list
  • Order detail page not showing when Order was without invoice
  • Hide vat info from shop if seller outside of eu
  • Fix for Order failing when default is billing day and new contract is to be created
  • Fix for reverting prorata changes back to pending state when reimbursing an Invoice

(2023-04-20) - Version 1.24.1


  • Timeline not shown sometimes
  • ShowcaseGrid not showing the cheapest price
  • Misc. minor issues

(2023-04-11) - Version 1.24.0


  • Data table: Support for filter operators
    • Is, Is not, Starts with, Ends with, Contains, Less, Less or Equal, Greater, Greater or Equal, Is or Between
  • Support Promotional text for a Product
  • Tagline field to Brands
  • Shop: Index pages for Sellers, Brands and Regions
  • Profile Service Fee. Percent of invoice sum or fixed amount to be charged on each Invoice.
  • New Service Detail page
    • New layout, Tabs
    • New UI components
    • Show price of the Service
    • Show timeline of Service related events (Manager only)
    • Show transactions (Manager only)
  • New Profile Detail page
    • New layout, Tabs
    • New UI components
    • Show timeline of Profile's Service related events (Manager only)
  • Reports:
    • Customers: Added has_recurring_payment_method and billing_method fields
  • Manager: Boolean to select if Usage based pricing is enabled for a Product
  • Manager: SiteAdmin may now create products on behalf of a Seller
  • Manager: Ability to select payment term when creating an Order for a Customer
  • Manager: Allow discontinuation of expired services manually
  • Manager: License user import via CSV
  • Manager: Credits can be awared to a Customer
  • Preference to allow disablation of self-service cancellation: SELF_SERVICE_CANCEL_ENABLED


  • Manager: Preference categories reorganized
  • Service Change: more informative UI
  • Renamed Profile Types in UI: Company -> Business, Private -> Personal
  • Shop: By default show the price from the period that has the cheapest unit price
  • Range Slider element now feature an accompanying number field
  • Custom CTAs: open only external links in new tab
  • Limited ShowcaseGrid related category products to show max 9 products
  • License users now have email field
  • MRR calculation: Services in EXPIRED state are included only for a limited time
  • Themes: Implement thin scrollbar in various places. Style adjustments
  • Keep track of reimbursed prorata invoicelines so that they will be billed on the subsequent invoice


  • Service Change: proration calculation fixes, edge cases
  • Report price currencies now more consistent and explicit
  • Data-table usability fixes
  • InvoiceItems going to Netvisor unordered
  • Discount percent variable not showing correct value in Order Confirmation
  • Misc. fixes

(2022-12-16) - Version 1.23.2


  • Invoice filtering based on status
  • Zapier integration updates


  • Allow Categories to be removed by SiteAdmin


  • Misc. fixes
  • Issues with editing and removing Custom CTAs
  • Translation adjustments

(2022-10-31) - Version 1.23.1


  • New Search sort option: Relevance


  • Allow Profile Addresses of different types to be created


  • Issue where all Product Relations were not refreshed after cloning a Product
  • Misc. small fixes

(2022-10-25) - Version 1.23.0


  • Additional information block into Product pages. Shows Product #, Seller, Brand, Region
  • Support for interval based pricing.
    • Differing prices can now be set per billing period
    • Product price intervals are now explicitly defined instead of min/max range.
  • Support for defining multiple Custom CTAs for a Product
  • Support for billing an order made on behalf of the customer on the new Invoice
  • Support for selecting if 'Order Created' action rule condition is triggered when creating an Order made on behalf of the customer on the new Invoice
  • Show profile detail/icons when selecting a profile
  • License Management: New template SERVICE_EMAIL_LICENSE_CHANGE, dedicated, used by the EMAIL API when ever Licenses are altered on a Service


  • Product page Product suggestions are now presented within a carousel
  • Product with trial can now optionally be bought directly without the trial period
  • Product variants are now shown in the order of their price, cheapest-first.
  • TinyMCE to handle URLs as absolute
  • Hide password from Quote Request process
  • Hide plan part of the name from Product Variant selector selectbox option if empty
  • Quote: UI adjustments for when price is hidden


  • Issue were there could be non-unique category slugs within a Site
  • Issue in Shop with content being rendered from the previous page
  • Incorrect Invoice original/memorandum links and their texts
  • Search filters not always showing
  • Issues CTA button widths in the list views
  • Misc fixes in list filtering

(2022-08-15) - Version 1.22.0


  • Support for Product Media. You can now add images and videos to Product pages. These will be presented in a carousel.
  • Preview of loose and dense Product listing to the Product Design page
  • License management: Show status for each license
  • Customizeable favicon per Site with Preference: SITE_FAVICON_URL
  • Filtering support for data tables
  • Product report: Brand and Categories columns
  • API is now explicitly selected when creating a Product. The API of a Product cannot be changed after creation.
    • Available APIs: NONE, EMAIL, PAITA
      • NONE: Dummy API. Doesn't perform any external actions.
      • EMAIL: Email API. Sends emails to address specified with Preference: SERVICE_PROVISIONING_DEFAULT_EMAIL_ADDRESS.
        • Related messaging templates:
          • SERVICE_EMAIL_EXPIRE (new)
        • (optional) Ability to require manual confirmation for changes in state
      • PAITA: Docs
  • New Preference: FEATURE_RESELLING_ENABLED. Hides/Shows reselling section in the Manager side menu


  • Scrollable Shop listing now fetches more content automatically while scrolling
  • style-tag is now allowed within WYSIWYG editors
  • Show item number in selectboxes for easy distinguishing
  • Discounts can now be targeted to base price and/or properties
  • Manager top level data tables to use server side processing
  • License management
    • Assignable licenses are now limited by amount you have purchased


  • Misc. Discount issues
  • Misc. translations

(2022-05-06) - Version 1.21.0


  • New Paytrail API
  • Editable CTA button labels for Buy, Try and Quote CTAs


  • Messagelog now shows message receivers for email and SMS


  • Misc. small issues

(2022-04-25) - Version 1.20.0


  • Discounts: Support for Profile targeted discounts
  • Shop: Alternative Product viewing layouts: list and dense list


  • Misc. minor issues

(2022-03-30) - Version 1.19.0


  • Configurable CTAs and price visibility for Products


  • Theme
    • New data table implementation
    • Adjustments to input elements to more closely match Material Design


  • User invites not working when registration is disabled
  • Minor issues with User Terms Action Rules
  • Misc. minor issues

(2022-03-09) - Version 1.18.4


  • ISO formatted versions of date and datetime variables into Message Templates, with postfix _iso


  • Include Seller and Brand in Service report


  • Misc. minor issues
  • Misc. performance issues

(2022-02-14) - Version 1.18.3


  • Report Customers: New column for profile_owner_email


  • Manager: User create dialog validations
  • Misc. small fixes

(2022-02-07) - Version 1.18.2


  • Seller Register page as editable System Page


  • Sidemenu style adjuments
  • Misc. small fixes

(2022-01-24) - Version 1.18.1


  • issues with Quote Service Property editing
  • issues with Profile address editing

(2022-01-19) - Version 1.18.0


  • Product Purchasable attribute. When disabled, Product prices are shown in Shop but purchasing is not possible
  • Report: Services
  • Ability to create Orders on behalf of the Customer in Manager
  • Ability for SiteAdmins to create Users from Manager
    • Users need to accept terms of use on first login
  • User attribute info is now shown on User page
  • Action rules for recurring payments and user terms acceptance
    • Triggering conditions
      • Profile Recurring Payment: Added/Updated/Removed
      • User terms have been accepted
    • Filtering conditions
      • User terms are accepted
      • User terms are not accepted


  • Search is now available in every Section via the header.
  • Console now shown for every Profile.
    • For Seller Profiles, a subsection selector is shown, which allows to toggle between Console and Seller Console.

    • Manager is accessible via direct URL or via link in top right corner menu. Link available only if the User has Site Admin privileges via one of their Profiles.

  • Session country is used as default country code when adding new addresses
  • MessageTemplates can now be removed, if they aren't in use.


  • Structured Data price definition Product for zero price Products
  • Currency Symbol placement issues
  • Error when adding a Product Card Group
  • SettingsMenu's Profile listing not updating when a Profile is added

(2021-12-01) - Version 1.17.3


  • Action Rule Condition to filter by Profile Type
  • Quick Tour


  • Seller Console UX

(2021-10-26) - Version 1.17.2


  • Issues with Message template property price and discount variables

(2021-10-13) - Version 1.17.1


  • Support for Seller registration
  • New message template variables


  • Service Change: Billing period is no longer confined by the Products min and max billing interval


  • Message template variables
  • Minor fixes

(2021-09-23) - Version 1.17.0


  • Splitbutton for Product grid. Used when Product has multiple ways of ordering.
  • SiteAdmins can now view and modify Users
  • New Reports
    • Customers
    • Products
    • Summary User Activity
    • Summary Customers by Profile Type
    • Summary Customers by Profile Property Option
  • Telephone message variable to User context


  • Service Change: Billing period is no longer confined by the Products min and max billing interval
  • Theme adjustments for buttons


  • Profile selector dialog selection is now remembered in the Session
  • Product Card snippet's API_HOST is no longer hardcoded
  • Misc issues

(2021-08-30) - Version 1.16.2


  • Updated list of finvoice routercodes


  • Quote message context content

(2021-08-26) - Version 1.16.1


  • Manager Product Detail page title not always showing
  • Discount apply/remove bug when cart contained multiple Products

(2021-08-23) - Version 1.16.0


  • SEO
    • Meta tag management for Products, Categories and Pages
    • Structured Data for Products, Pages, Breadcrumbs
  • Site Preference to ask telephone number in registration
  • Ability to include newly ordered Products into an existing Contract
  • Quotation support for non-recurring Products
  • Seller support
    • Seller management views
    • Ability to create Products
    • Seller registration
  • Modal for Profile selection after login
  • Fromni SMS API integration


  • Paytrail orderno value to invoice number


  • Timezone offset issue with Sales reports
  • processing of Orders that contain Products from multiple sellers
  • Reduced cache clear scope when adding new Product Relations. Should make relation editing faster.
  • Other minor issues

(2021-06-21) - Version 1.15.0


  • Support for Quotes (beta, limited availability)


  • Use Roboto font, instead of Open Sans.


  • MRR calculation scope

(2021-06-01) - Version 1.14.3


  • Additional confirmation check when reimbursing invoices


  • EInvoice operator can now be selected during checkout if paying via eInvoice.
  • Allow product to be removed from a relation via its own detail page




  • Lots of small minor issues

(2021-03-31) - Version 1.14.2


  • eInvoice operator is now selectable during the order process
  • Change Invoice delivery method None translation to not include mention of email
  • Include Customer vat_number on the Invoice detail page


  • Service product and property change edge cases
  • Session currency changing to Default after registering
  • Small minor fixes here and there

(2021-03-16) - Version 1.14.1


  • Service product and property changes
    • Clearer UI validations
    • Prevented prorated billing if service is expired
    • Prevented changes from being made if there is a pending ServiceChange of type BEFORE.
  • Sales Report
    • Price and sum format
    • Hide duplicate countries and payment methods
  • Profile invoice listing not showing currency

(2021-03-01) - Version 1.14.0


  • Action rule condition to filter by product in varying contexts
  • Support for two levels of category hierarchy in the sidemenu
  • Support for changing Service's product and properties with prorated billing options.


  • Catalog Product's Property dialog now refreshes the list of properties when opened
  • Catalog Products are now listed by descending Product No order


  • Small fixes
  • Translation fixes
  • Invited users are always registered without a business profile
  • Marketo Forms2 integration fixes
  • Netvisor integration enhancements

(2021-01-18) - Version 1.13.4


  • Sales report: Customer VAT ID field
  • Added COLOR_INFO variable into theme


  • 404 page style and layout
  • Netvisor integration: use accrual rules instead of deprecated voucher lines
  • Notification implementation updated
  • Marketo lead association to use browser-side submission in addition to the deprecated Munchkin associateLead method. Info
    • New Preferences for defining MunchinId, FormID.
    • Deprecated Munchkin associateLead method call will be removed in a future release to allow a transformation period


  • Product Configure didn't show 404 page if the Product was not found
  • Related products listings showed inactive products
  • Sales (Services) report now correctly groups data by Services
  • Paytrail and payment process fixes, notification fixes

(2020-12-07) - Version 1.13.3


  • Preference SITE_REGISTRATION_PRIVATE_USER_ENABLED to control whether private individuals are able to register


  • Sales (Services) report's Service link

(2020-12-03) - Version 1.13.2


  • Support for Invoice delivery method EXTERNAL_EMAIL

    • Allows Customer to choose that invoices are delivered to an email address.
    • Requires Financial Management integration
  • New Sales reports

    • Show Sales grouped by Invoices or Services
    • Filter by Profile, Product, Country and Period.
    • Supports CSV export


  • issues with service.name and product.price variables on Service message context
  • Product Card Preview refresh issue when changing themes
  • Product suggestions showing price wrong when discount was applied
  • MessageTemplate "Send Preview" showing empty locale options
  • Netvisor: Invoice unit was sent in ISO 8601 format instead of localized text

(2020-10-29) - Version 1.13.1


  • Preference for invoice minimum payment period


  • Allow Service Renew status to be altered when in EXPIRED state


  • Added missing currency signs for MessageTemplate Dummy data.
  • Typo in INVOICE_OVERDUE template title
  • Netvisor integration fixes

(2020-10-06) - Version 1.13.0


  • New Default Action Rules (disabled by default)
    • Send email "Invoice created", Notify the Customer when an Invoice is created
    • Send email "Invoice reminder", Notify the Customer when the Invoice is unpaid and the Invoice due date is approaching
    • Send email "Invoice overdue", Notify the Customer when the Invoice is overdue
  • New Primary Action Rule conditions
  • New Secondary Action Rule conditions
  • New Default Message Templates
  • Optional identifier Property for a Product. Value of the Property will be shown as part of the Service's name in Console/Manager, including on Invoices.
  • Implemented syntax highlighting for Message Template content editing
  • Preference FRONTEND_SHOP_CATEGORY_PRODUCT_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE for setting the default amount of products to fetch on a Category page
  • Reports can now be downloaded as CSV
  • Product Property Value Type is now shown in Product's Properties listing on Manager


  • Service names are now formed based on the Product they are based on. Service names are automatically updated to match the full name of the Product including possible identifier property value. Services still support setting an additional custom name.
  • Manager: Top level listing now have more consistent search experience
  • Manager: Action Rules can now be disabled/enabled
  • After login, the User is redirected to the first Profile that has been found to include open Invoices.
  • Upgraded TinyMCE from version 4 to 5
  • Layout enhancements
    • Catalog Product Overview Page
    • Message Template content editing
  • Added Preview and Send Preview buttons into Message Template Detail page
  • Added meaningful sample data for Message Template previews


  • Contract's Service listing linked to wrong page
  • Dashboard kpi indicator layout bug
  • Login page layout issue
  • Weird Order content artifact 'P' shown on the Order listing
  • Fixes for Netvisor integration and a few billing edge cases

(2020-08-13) - Version 1.12.0


  • Manager: Link from Service Detail page to the Product
  • Manager: Link between reimbursed invoice and credit invoice
  • Manager: Basic reports: Consumption, Order History
  • Manager: Show a list of Payments on the Invoice Detail page
  • Manager: Show billing_day on Contract Detail Page if set
  • Manager: Added button for copying Console link for a Customer Profile to the clipboard
  • Manager: Implemented Message Log. Logs messages sent from the backend. Not all system messages are yet included in the log.
  • Manager: SiteAdmin can now change the Owner of a Profile


  • Manager: Contracts are now fetched in batches
  • Console: Show E-Invoicing routercode in addition to the name of the operator
  • Manager: Customer term in dashboard to Profile
  • Cart Confirm Discount code input is now hidden behind a click.
  • Services are now continued based on the paid invoicing period.
  • Show Service Property Values on Invoice items
  • Netvisor integration
    • Small fixes
    • Added Preference to set Netvisor account number for overpayments and credit purchase invoices payments


  • Issue where Invoice creation failed on year change
  • Breadcrumb errors on some pages
  • Console: Cleanup for Discontinued Services listing
  • Issue where sometimes when proceeding in the Cart, the next stage was skipped.

(2020-04-28) - Version 1.11.0


  • Discounts can now set to be activated by a code during checkout
  • Message templates now support preview with different locales


  • Header terms and columns on Invoice Item listing
  • Customer reference number is no longer shown on the Invoice if none exists


  • Translation fixes
  • Error with currency value comparison inaccuracy during checkout
  • Netvisor integration fixes
  • Non-default language root URL not working without trailing slash

(2020-03-19) - Version 1.10.4


  • Email "From" name can be defined
  • Invoice delivery method information to invoice
  • Profile role setting to invitation


  • Use Sender name in email From header
  • Shown "Invoiced till" instead of "Paid till" on Contract details


  • Order Detail now shows correct invoice no and links to the invoice
  • Cache improvements

(2020-02-13) - Version 1.10.3


  • Ability to reimburse a paid invoice

(2020-02-06) - Version 1.10.2


  • Email sending to use a Static From address (platform-noreply@pilvi.com) and use ReplyTo for Site specific address
  • Reduced height of the Product blocks.
  • Made Product Image/Price block sticky.


  • More mobile layout fixes
  • Unified UIs of the Selectbox and Selectbox multiple
  • Translation and style fixes

(2020-02-03) - Version 1.10.1


  • Preferences for configuring sales payments export to netvisor
  • Netvisor integration enhancements - export/import Sales Payments
  • More information to Invoice detail page


  • User menu now lists available profiles as a list when only a few profiles are available
  • Date and times are now formatted according to the active locale
  • Clarifications for Customer billing method selection


  • Manager Customer search for large datasets
  • Tooltip positioning issues
  • Layout issues in mobile view
    • Cart CTA buttons and stage indicator
    • Category Showcase "Show all" link placement
    • Product Configure field labels and input types
  • Improvements for Netvisor data export

(2020-01-15) - Version 1.10.0


  • T677 Paytrail payment method to console
  • T679 Netvisor integration for invoices - exports Profiles, Products and Invoices to Netvisor


  • T687 Removed Azure AD preference to set redirect-uri
  • Make Category position_id visible and editable in Catalog Categories list
  • Changed the title of the Paytrail payment method tab


  • Show Profile owner and name correctly on the Seller Dashboard latest listing
  • In Product Configure phase, Checkbox label should check/uncheck the checkbox
  • On Manager Product Detail page, system and paita properties were clickable and resulted in error dialog
  • ShopBlockFilter now pages initial request correctly
  • Disabled checkbox in collectionEditor not aligned correctly

(2019-11-21) - Version 1.9.4


  • T667 Property specific prices and their discounts are now shown in the Cart
  • Profile Property handling issues in Order processing

(2019-11-13) - Version 1.9.3


  • T667 Discounts can now be set to apply to specific Properties of a Product. (Product Property specific Discount)


  • Product position not working on Category Showcase carousel

(2019-11-05) - Version 1.9.2


  • User invitation email message translations
  • T632 Consistent naming for theme variables


  • T676 Currency symbol not shown in all message templates
  • Product Property listing showing more properties than it should
  • Issues in a few discount handling functions

(2019-10-30) - Version 1.9.1


  • More region options: Europe, Asia, Africa etc


  • Internet Explorer (IE11 and earlier) is no longer supported in any capacity. IE users are shown a message to move on to a modern web browser.


  • Edge browser issues with Category showcase carousel.

(2019-10-15) - Version 1.9.0


  • T625 Support for Discounts
  • Added Edit buttons for Shop Category, Brand and Seller pages that take the user to relevant page in Manager.


  • T666 Removed US territories from available Country States.
  • Adjustments for Registration message language (EN)


  • T587 Optimize initial page load speed

(2019-10-08) - Version 1.8.0


  • T404 New default action rules: Send email "Invoice payment successful" and Send email "Invoice payment failed"
  • T642 Support for importing Products via Excel file. Updating of existing Products is supported as well.
  • T655 Internal link routing for relative WYSIWYG links


  • T591 Stripe integration now use PaymentIntent API to comply with Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) regulation.
    • Additional authentication may be needed for payments.
    • Off-session payments may also require additional authentication. The new default action rule additions notify the Customer if any actions is required.


  • T598 checkoutId and orderId reseting in some cases during the Checkout process
  • Selectbox multiple causing a horizontal scrollbar when populated many options
  • Profile property tooltips rendering incorrectly during the checkout process

(2019-09-09) - Version 1.7.4


  • EmailSender give order variables prices in currency with currency symbol


  • Brand couldn't be removed if there was any Products associated with it
  • Credit payment, when other currency than EUR

(2019-09-09) - Version 1.7.2


  • T641 New optional layout for Categories: Category Showcase
  • T603 Partial support for using non-base currencies
  • T614 Default language can now set via Preference DEFAULT_LOCALE_CODE
  • T516 Account balance starting amount for new Customer Profiles can now be set via Preference PROFILE_INITIAL_ACCOUNT_BALANCE


  • T516 Account balance is now automatically consumed on new Orders if any is available.
  • T516 Changes to Order context variables
    • New variable order.subtotal. Previously known as order.total. Contains the total price of the order before any reductions.
    • New variable order.balanceconsumed. The amount of account balance that was consumed for the order
    • Change to variable order.total. Contains the total price of the order after reductions such as discounts and account balance use.
  • Email localization fixes for dates
  • Show price (0.00) for Products that have price set to zero


  • A regression in GTM integration where "Order Completed" event was not triggered correctly
  • Fix a bug where title appeared twice on some pages
  • Fix Message template preview failed with non-latin1 characters
  • Fix for Product period selection not showing on Product Configure page

(2019-08-13) - Version 1.7.0


  • T628 Maintenance mode for Shop
    • Shop section can now be put into maintenance mode. The maintenance mode disables the Shop section
  • T615 Registration page layout changes
    • Regular/Business user selection is now done in the top of the page. Default selection may be adjusted via Preference.
  • T613 Custom content may now be added above and below of Product properties.
  • T140 Trial period is now defined in days
  • T629 Preferences for controlling VAT-toggle behaviour
  • T617 Added support for browser form autocompletion
  • T590 Show Product description text and price in the small product recommendation listings
  • T590 Added print button for Invoices. Adjustments for print styles.


  • T622 Service Status Monitor incorrectly activates Services when their Invoice is rebated
  • T547 Property Selectbox now works more predictably with required/optional types
    • A property has no option selected initially. For required property, a selection has to be made before user can proceed.
  • T580 Profile owner cannot be removed from the profile or be demoted
  • T618 Fix for event notifications not closing correctly when clicked
  • T623 Fix for Property Value Type Range rendering with incorrect initial value when coming back to edit the Product
  • T616 Removed Register System Page Block from Cart Customer login page
  • T620 Fix for Slider component not working correctly with touch events
  • T602 VATID is now hidden from users outside the EU
  • T473 Updated PAITA endpoints to match the latest spec
  • Fix for Product grid product rendering for products shown after pressing the Show more button
  • Fix for an issue where necessary Profile data was not ready during the checkout process
  • Fix for anonymous user VATID handling.

(2019-06-03) - Version 1.6.0


  • Marketo lead association support
  • Profile now has optional eInvoice (OVT) address. Asked during checkout when paying with Invoice.
    • Disabled by default. Enable with Preference PAYMENT_EINVOICE_OVT_ENABLED
  • Menu hierarchy changes
    • Action rules moved under Messaging
  • Company home page link can now be added to header
  • Changed implementation for truncating multiline texts with ellipsis


  • Finnish translation fixes
  • Manager Property units are now editable
  • Manager Property validations now shown correctly in listings

(2019-05-27) - Version 1.5.12


  • Profiles listing now filters with profile's owner email address also
  • Added properties to profile context in messaging
  • New preference to define if firstname and lastname are asked separately


  • Page load optimized to be faster
  • EmailSender failed to send email in some cases
  • Product clone ignored externally managed setting

(2019-04-29) - Version 1.5.7


  • Added invoice data into order context in Messaging
  • Added a Preference WEBHOOK_HEADER_NAME to change Webhook token's header name
  • Property Value type is now shown on the Property Detail Page


  • Prevented external managed Products from showing on the Shop
  • Product Property values are now correctly removed from the DB when the type of the Property is changed
  • Fix for checkout process of non-configurable Products. Redirected to wrong Page
  • Style fixes for checkout buttons

(2019-04-17) - Version 1.5.6


  • Appended file name to AWS S3 file key
  • Fixes for Order Confirmation price calculations
  • Fix for Side menu not correctly showing the active/inactive categories
  • Fix for closed Dialogs not being closed correctly and resulting in weird looking dialog UI artifacts.
  • Updated email validation messages to mention that the address might be in use already

(2019-04-12) - Version 1.5.5


  • Webhook: Added missing profile data under the order
  • Trim Profile Property value type STRING leading and trailing whitespaces

(2019-04-11) - Version 1.5.4


  • Payex: Canceling the payment now returns to Cart instead of the Shop frontpage

(2019-04-10) - Version 1.5.3


  • Webhook: Added invoice.id, invoice.no, reference and customer_reference to invoice data and changed contracts reference to customer_reference in webhooks contents


  • Fix for not correctly handling all payment success cases

(2019-04-09) - Version 1.5.2


  • New Property value type FILE_URL and Property value type FILE renamed to FILE_BASE64
    • FILE_URL's value is shown as link in emails, triple braces are needed around the value in the message template
  • Webhooks now pass the Property value as an array if the Property has several values
  • Added Property label for email contexts and webhooks


  • Fix for an error in handling the Customer provided reference
  • Fix for Cost summary VAT detection on the Cart Payment stage
  • Fixes for Analytics implementation. Analytics.page is now called correctly on every virtual page change
  • Fix for email Property values not having localized values with Property value type Selectbox and Selectbox multiple
  • T570 Fix for Product description sometimes not showing correctly on Shop Product listings

(2019-04-04) - Version 1.5.1


  • Cart Payment stage
    • Remember selected payment method when moving back and forth in the checkout process
    • Translations
    • Payex reference number handling

(2019-04-03) - Version 1.5.0


  • T426 Recommendation System
  • T452 Support of Payex credit card payment method
  • T434 Widget for Property value type DATE
  • T436 Widget for Property value type FILE
  • Product Properties moved under Catalog from the Settings
  • Hide decimal zeros if price can be presented as an integer

(2019-03-27) - Version 1.4.0


  • T500 Added support for Paytrail payment method
  • Adjustments to Price and Cart Summary presentation
  • Added edit button to Product Configure page, similarly as in the Product Detail page.


  • Do not immediately show all validation errors, only after user interaction
  • T568 Fix for ActionRules not triggering as expected when using multiple expiration rules
  • Fixed header Cart price not updating as expected
  • Theme fixes
    • Highlight links in lists with Primary 1 color
    • CollectionEditor font-size fixes
    • Checkbox label placement fixes
    • Updated tooltip icon with transparency
  • Removed unnecassary Name and Email fields from the Invoice Payment address creation
  • Trim leading and trailing whitespaces from name and email during Sign up

(2019-03-15) - Version 1.3.0


  • T436 New Property Value Type: FILE (BASE64)
  • DATE Property Value Type now defaults to current date as the minimum value
  • Allow VAT Number to be set in the Finnish Y-tunnus format during Sign up


  • T483 Fixed an error that prevented Seller Order confirmation from being sent occasionally
  • Fix for Profile addresses not being reloaded when changing Profile
  • Show asterisk characters for all required fields on Sign up
  • Small fixes, translation corrections

(2019-03-13) - Version 1.2.2


  • Changed how prices are shown by default
  • Made the VAT toggle more clear
  • Cart: swapped Price and Period columns


  • Fixed an error that prevented new ActionRules functions from being saved on some Sites
  • Enhanced HTML escaping on the checkout process
  • Cart summary adjustments

(2019-03-06) - Version 1.2.1


  • Webhook format fixes
  • ORDER_ACTIVATED Action Rule Condition is now available

(2019-02-26) - Version 1.2.0


  • T396 Added Call-to-Action buttons to Product Cards
  • T540 Changes to Cart Summary presentation
  • T458 Added Action Rule function for making Webhook calls
  • T447 New Product Property: Selectbox multiple
  • T555 Moved fixed buttons to the bottom of body on the Checkout process
  • T493 Show Cart content in every stage during the Single Purchase process


  • T545 Sidemenu footer translation and layout fixes
  • T546 Product Clone function fixes
  • T419 Property helpers not correctly set on all Properties
  • T359 Fix for Product being re-added to Cart when going back via Browser back button
  • T418 Fix for default email template client compatibility
  • Small UX fixes

(2019-01-30) - Version 1.1.2


  • T462 Allow Property Price Configuration for Single Purchase Products


  • T515 Prevent Product price period unit auto conversion
  • T512 UX fixes for Zapier integration
  • T375 Paper cut bugs
    • Moved Categories under Catalog menu in Manager
    • Swapped Products and Locales tabs on Manager Categories Detail page. Made the Products listing the default tab
    • Collection Editor sorting works now works correctly after saving data
    • Fixed WYSIWYG implementation for Categories Page and corrected the content text alignment
    • Product Properties are hidden on the Service Detail page
    • Product image width fix for IE11
    • Cart style adjustments for mobile

(2019-01-15) - Version 1.1.1


  • T395 Adjustments for register page UI
  • T492 Show Profile VATID on Profile Detail Page
  • T491 Fixes for enhanced ecommerce analytics
  • Fixed an error that occurred when enabling Google Tag Manager
  • Register page is no longer shown when SITE_REGISTRATION_ENABLED=false

(2019-01-08) - Version 1.1.0


  • T363 Profile Properties
  • T470 Customizable System Pages
  • T402 Added Ordered By info to Services and Orders
  • T471 Use abbreviations for periods in places with limited space
  • T445 New Property Value Type: TEXTAREA
  • T434 New Property Value Type: DATE
  • T432 Adjustments for CollectionEditor styles


  • T510 Fix for User created times showing a wrong time.
  • Fix for registering via Azure AD B2C with Facebook account.



  • T423 Azure AD B2C integration
  • T385,T389 New Category Product ordering option that allows you to define Product positions manually.
  • T376 Action Rule condition to limit by a Product
  • T359 Skip initial Product configuration phase if there is nothing to configure


  • T427 'Previous' button was not shown on Cart Customer phase
  • T479 Fixed an error that prevented the add of new Properties in certain edge cases.



  • T384 Allow Categories to be sorted on the side menu
  • T390 Added the possibility to modify the category content text to site admins.


  • T411 Fixes for example products
  • T416 isVatIncluded value sometimes gives wrong result



  • T372 Vat id validation


  • T375 Paper cut fixes. Many small fixes for usability.



  • T371 New common message variables site.domain and site.shop.url



  • T370 Private Profile is always created for every new User. Primary Invoice Address is added for new and existing Profile.
  • T242 Manager System Settings now shows Boolean values as checkboxes
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the sending of registration and password reset emails on some Sites.
  • Improved price update to be faster


Changes T88

  • Added Site specific numbering for top level objects (Services,Profile,Product,Orders,Invoices)
  • Renamed (Account) Credits to Account Balance.
  • Usage based billing now adds to Account Debt, which needs to be paid off using Account Balance or other payment methods
  • Revised Service lifetime states and process.
    • New states:
    • WAITING_ACTIVATION, when Service is created but the Order is not yet paid
    • EXPIRED, when Service has passed its expiration time
    • DISPATCHED, for One-time purchase products. Services are not active after the initial activation.
  • Revised Action Rules for all Sites to reflect the changes in Service lifetime process.
  • New default message templates to reflect the changes in Service lifetime process
  • Shop: Background changes for the checkout process. Services are now activated behind the scenes when the payment is received.
  • Shop: Added an option for ordering with an Invoice. Invoice needs to be paid through the Console to activate the Services.
  • Console: Added new top level listings for Orders, Invoices, Contracts
  • Console Added the ability to pay Invoices using a Credit Card (Stripe). Invoices may also be paid using the Account Balance.
  • Console: Invoice is automatically created for the next period if the Service is set to be continued
  • Manager: Added new top level listings for Orders, Invoices, Contracts
  • Manager: Product Pricing options Free and One-time combined to a new option called "One-time Purchase". Services created from a One-time Purchase products are provisioned and not managed by Pilvi Platfrom after that.

Other changes

  • T83 Site Administrator can now enable the following analytics: Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Facebook Pixel.
  • T126 Added Product clone functionality


  • a lot of small fixes here and there



  • T281 Added Zapier integration. Triggers for new Services, Product, Customer Profiles
  • T343 Added support for Customer defined Pages
  • T327 Changed edit button logic and texts. Add button is now shown only in View mode. In Edit mode, the text on the Edit button is changed to 'Cancel'
  • T287 Platform default message templates are now stored separately from other templates
  • T357 Trailing slashes are ignored by default


  • T355 Fixed a bug where the WYSIWYG editor failed to initialize after multiple sequential uses